Saturday, May 18, 2013

Graduation Grace

"O LORD, you are my God;
    I will exalt You and praise Your name,
  for in perfect faithfulness
    You have done marvelous things,
    things planned long ago."
                        Isaiah 25:1

Can this really be the middle of May?  Time has galloped these last few weeks with graduation season upon us.  Caleb is officially a University of Alabama alumnus, his girlfriend Dallas now an Ole Miss graduate, and Hunter will receive his Hoover High diploma next week. Amid the echoes of "Pomp and Circumstance," we have so much to be thankful for: that Austin had a timely break from IMAX and is able to be home for his brothers, that Caleb has a job to begin on July 1st, that Hunter has stayed the course and been blessed with several scholarships. Probably the most meaningful is the one given in honor of Gene Godwin, a long-time principal at Hoover, who lost his battle with cancer several years ago.  As Mrs. Godwin announced Hunter as the recipient, she closed with, "And I know his dad would be proud." Indeed.  God has been so faithful in even the smallest details, allowing us to truly celebrate these milestones in spite of dewy eyes. The tears have flowed freely as emotions run the full gamut--joy, sadness, nostalgia, pride.  

Six years ago when Austin graduated, a sweet friend sent a gift for me along with his present: Karen Kingsbury's poignant children's book entitled Let Me Hold You Longer. In the story the mom ponders some of the "lasts" in her child's life: the last bottle she gave him, the last time she picked him up, the last time she rocked him, the last time she drove him to school... those unrecorded moments that mesh with life and drift from us unaware.  But I have to think how gracious our Savior is that these are not defined moments, for we might have missed the joy in them if we had known they would be the last.  Thus I cannot recall the last field trip signature or the last lunch money request from any of the boys as they dropped by my classroom.  I only know how blessed I was to occasionally see them at school--from a distance at a pep rally or in the hallway for a brief conversation. 

Rather than lasts, I've asked the Lord to help me focus on the firsts--on what lies ahead.  After all, commencements really are the beginnings.  As Paul tells the Philippians, "But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." (3:13-14) I'm so thankful for these diplomas and honors and memories and yes, even the trials that the Lord has used to strengthen us all.  I'm excited to see all the boys build new relationships and set new goals and enjoy new adventures.  Even as He knit them together those years ago He designed great plans for their lives.  What pleasure He brings in watching them unfold!  Along the way I pray that He would give them ample opportunities to serve others--and eyes to see those opportunities--for therein lies the real joy. 

And so with a thankful heart I will watch this youngest son walk across the stage next week, celebrating what has been, rejoicing in what lies ahead, and assured all the while that our Heavenly Father goes before him.  Sweet peace...

"The LORD Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
                                                            Deuteronomy 31:8