Sunday, March 30, 2014


"Great are the works of the LORD;
  they are pondered by all who delight in them."
                                    Psalm 111:2

Years ago a fourth grade teacher friend shared a wonderful story about a book her class had read called The Search for Delicious.  In this book the king's messenger is sent out to poll the kingdom regarding which food should be listed under delicious in the new dictionary since great division on the matter prevails within the castle.  The quest proves quite interesting as the responses stretch beyond food, leaving the reader to ponder the answer as well: What is delicious?  After discussing it as a class, this savvy teacher then had her students write  prominent Mississippi author, John Grisham, asking him to answer the question. She gave me a copy of his letter (dated September 1992) to the class as he offered his insights beyond food on delicious.  Here is an excerpt: 

      "Going to the ballpark and watching kids play baseball is a delicious 
       experience.  Taking a long walk in the woods with my dog Bo on a  
       cool morning is delicious.  Going to church with Renee, Ty, and Shea 
       is delicious.  Watching Ty play soccer and listening to him read a book
       is delicious..."

My friend (and her students!) were thrilled that the noted author took time to write them back, and his letter served as a catalyst for their own assignment to define delicious.  

I've always loved this story, and through the years have encouraged my students to reflect on what they consider to be delicious.  I explain that although we often only associate food with this word, delicious is a close relative of delightDelicious and delight come from the same Latin root meaning "to please greatly" or "to take pleasure in." Once they get past Grandma's fried chicken, an Oreo blizzard, and Mom's sweet potato casserole, they begin to grasp the idea.  Snippets of teenagers' delicious include sleeping till noon on a Saturday, hitting a home run, camping out (especially in an Eno), Christmas morning, beach vacations, riding four wheelers in the mud, finding the perfect prom dress, hearing the final bell ring in May...

This, of course, inspires me to consider what I deem delicious. A few similarities but I believe that delicious changes for us as the seasons of our lives change. Here is a sampling from my current list:

* sunshine and 70 degrees after a long, dreary winter
* curling up with a good book on a rainy afternoon
* hearing the voice of an old friend on the phone
* quiet mornings with my Bible, devotionals, journal, and pen
* discovering a handwritten letter or card in the mailbox (or on the counter)
* watching the sun set at the beach (or anywhere else)
* finding an unblemished sand dollar along the shore
* seeing a rainbow
* reading a children's book 
* belly laughter that leads to tears 
* watching a baby sleep
* cooking for a friend in need
* sitting around a campfire
* seeing the sun rise from behind the hills 
* sharing a weekend getaway with friends
* sharing a meal and stories around the dinner table when all the boys are

The list is truly endless, but as I study it, I realize how all of these are "great works of the LORD"! Everything in creation, family, friendships, books, laughter--it's all of Him. (Colossians 1:16) He spoke everything into existence; He designed families and friendships; He gave the talent for authors to write and illustrators to draw; He purposed a cheerful heart to be good medicine. (Proverbs 17:22) How gracious He is to bestow such gifts! When we trace the roots of our delicious, we find that He is surely the Maker of all. 

I especially find this time of year delicious, embracing the emerging springtime.  Signs of resurrection all around us foreshadow the coming celebration of our risen Lord: Japanese magnolia blossoms, flowering Bradford pears, clusters of daffodils, patches of phlox, shades of green peaking through the barren ground... All of this without man touching a garden tool. How grateful I am for these delicious reminders of new life!  Indeed all creation does testify of the Creator and His most marvelous gift--His risen Son Jesus, our Savior and Lord.   

My prayer today is that the Lord might open our eyes to see His great works  everywhere and that as we ponder them, we will praise Him.  Delicious indeed!