Saturday, January 10, 2015

HE > i

"He must become greater; I must become less."
                                             John 3:30

     Last July I had the wonderful opportunity to go visit Hunter (Son #3) during his week off from his summer job.  (Pretty cool gig-YMCA camp counselor on the island of Oahu!)  On the Sunday I was there we found a wonderful church to attend--North Shore Christian Fellowship in Haleiwa. The service, held in an old unairconditioned gym, was delightful--welcoming, worshipful, and biblical. Surely the presence of the Lord was in this place. Afterwards, as we walked out to the car, I noticed almost every car in the parking lot had the same window decal: HE > i.  Immediately I told Hunter I wanted one, and he pointed across the street.  "There's the store right there!" Yes, there is a HE > i store in this little surfing community, but it was closed (as it should have been!) on Sunday.  We returned another day and I bought a handful of stickers, thinking what a great visual reminder that God is indeed greater.  At the time I just didn't know how the Lord would use the HE > i sticker to affirm His sovereignty and His greatness.

  A few weeks later, on Wednesday of the first week of school, Hunter called to let me know that he might not be able to make his flight home that Saturday because of the hurricanes that were headed for the Hawaiian Islands.  "Whaaaat?"  I responded. With the demands of school (and my old body readjusting to the 4:45 a.m. alarm), I hadn't even watched the local weather that week, much less national. He shared the tentative plans to send the kids home early that week and then the staff would hunker down there in the cabins.  (Did I mention that the camp is bordered on one side by the Pacific Ocean?) They would wait for the Honolulu director's call to evacuate to a shelter if need be. Now the Lord had graciously given me such peace all summer with this child being 4000+ miles away, but that phone call shook me.  The "cast" and "grab" volley ensued. "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." (I Peter 5:7) I would follow His command and give it over, reminding myself that He had my child in the palm of His hand; then I would grab it back, imagining all sorts of outrageous things. Thursday afternoon I decided a brisk walk would help alleviate my growing worry.  Neither of my two regular walking buddies could go, so I ventured out alone, fairly certain that the Lord wanted this time with me to Himself.  So as I began to walk and spill out my concerns to Him-- when barely two blocks from home--He reminded me of the decal.  "Yes, I AM greater.  What is the name of this hurricane?"  I abruptly stopped and gasped--Iselle! The first hurricane, the one of greatest concern, was named Iselle! HE > Iselle! The wave of peace that swept over me at that moment is indescribable as I sensed the burden of anxiety lifted. The world might say coincidence, but I say not a chance.  Our great God cares so intimately for us that He will speak peace when we most need it.  Instead of fretting the next two days, I was able to share this story of God's continued faithfulness.

Iselle's strength was diminished by the volcano on Big Island, and Julio (the second hurricane), changed directions and missed the islands entirely. God knew that end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10). Hunter made his flight home that weekend, a bit weary but with yet another story to add to his summer adventures. And every time I see HE > i on my back windshield, I am reminded of His constant provision and mighty power. 

    "How great is our God... sing with me
     How great is our God... and all will see
       How great, how great is our God.

       Name above all names
       Worthy of all praise
       My heart will sing
          How great is our God."*

from Chris Tomlin's "How Great is our God"