Saturday, October 6, 2012

Birthday Blessings

"From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets,
  the name of the Lord is to be praised."
                                                        Psalm 113:3

A wrestling match--that's what it was--a battle for my mind.  It was my birthday, and I had fought the tears since I opened my eyes that morning. In spite of early text greetings from Son #1 in Boston and a sweet homemade card from Son #3, I just steadily wiped away the tears while on the drive to school.  I apologized to the Lord, telling Him that I knew how blessed I was, but I just missed hearing "Happy Birthday" from my dear Jim. Crying my way down a road called Brock's Gap, I stopped at the red light just a few blocks away from school. That's when the Lord clearly reminded me: "Yes, as you've been driving on Brock's Gap, I've been gathering lots of folks to stand in the gap for you today.  Now you get to school and teach.  I've got you!"  Within moments the tears subsided.  May we never discount the power of prayer!  How thankful I am for those warriors who stood in that gap!

The rest of my day was showered with abundant blessings: from warm homemade scones first period to a decadent chocolate cake the last period of the day (the perks of teaching the children of friends--thank you Mary Lee and Linda!)  Flowers, cards, candy, singing, more texts... and of course the Facebook messages when I got home. Then Son #2 showed up from Tuscaloosa and said he had come to take me to dinner.  Oh, how my cup runneth over! 

But that was only the beginning... The next afternoon two dear Hoover friends and I drove to Panama City to meet three Hattiesburg friends (the Steel Magnolias) at my brother's condo (his most gracious gift) for a celebration weekend.  Glorious--the fellowship, the weather, the water, the sunsets, the seashells... The hand of God's creation was evident everywhere: the dolphins, stingrays, sandpipers, herons... even deer and raccoons (yes, in a nearby state park!) And the food! Lyle and Tina had left a delicious chocolate cake and a fresh watermelon in the frig besides the scrumptious treats everyone had brought.  (These friends are all excellent cooks!) We took long walks on the beach, created "sea grass" messages on the dunes, played games, read, swam, watched some football, shared stories, laughter... The best way to describe it is "exceeding abundantly beyond all that I had asked or imagined..."  Oh, yes, God is so good! 

I share all of this to boast about our gracious Heavenly Father and His bountiful gifts so undeserved.  Indeed He is the Giver of all things good.  But as wonderful as this birthday was, I anticipate an even more marvelous celebration on December 6th, Jim's birthday.  

You see, one morning this summer the Lord clearly revealed to me how to approach this potentially painful date that is centered between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  (The idea resulted from a conversation with a precious young lady that He had providentially brought into my life just a few weeks before.) Probably when most of us think of Jim, the word servant comes to mind.  His joy reflected in that radiant smile because he loved serving other people.  As I read Galatians 5:13, "Serve one another humbly in love," that verse speaks so distinctly of Jim's life, for this was truly how he lived. So, the Lord said the best way to celebrate his life is to go out and serve on that day.  I have named it "Be Someone's Gem Day" because for years I called him my gem.  In my mind's eye I see people all over the country (or at least the Southeast!) carrying out acts of kindness and compassion--publicly or privately, corporately or individually, in honor of Jim and for the glory of our Lord. 

Would you please pray about how the Lord would have you participate? I get so excited thinking about the possibilities, especially since December often lends itself to more obvious opportunities for service.  Austin will actually be in China on a mission trip--he leaves December 2nd--so the hands and feet of Jesus could be seen/felt all over the world that day!  In His grace God even showed me what I'm to do.  Throughout Jim's illness (and still today) He has spoken so clearly to me through specific Scriptures.  I plan to write these verses on pieces of card stock and attach them to granola bars and/or packs of peanut butter and crackers ("nabs" for all my Mississippi friends!) and place them in baskets to leave in the oncology waiting rooms at UAB and Brookwood Hospitals.  These waiting rooms can be dark and difficult places where people need a word of hope and light from the Lord.  Even now I'm praying that God will speak to the hearts of those who will read these verses, comforting them and offering them His peace.

So yes, my birthday celebration was a joyous occasion, and I am so grateful for the many kindnesses shown, but I eagerly look forward to Jim's birthday offering the deepest kind of joy--that which only comes from giving rather than receiving.  One friend, a third grade teacher, has already decided that she will take her class to a local nursing home where her students will read Christmas stories to the residents. I love that! I really have no specific ideas what this day will look like for others, but I'm praying/trusting the Lord to make His plans clear to everyone who is led to join us.  The boys and I would love to hear how this ministry comes to life.  That would be our best gift of all!

"In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus Himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.''
                                                    Acts 20:35                 


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