Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Bear Hunt

"Blessed are those whose strength is in You,
  who have set their hearts on pilgrimage."                                                        
                                            Psalm 84:5

     With a broad smile I recall those precious preschool programs--my boys among those adorable 3 and 4-year olds singing so proudly.  One song is especially vivid in my memory-- "We're Going on a Bear Hunt."  The Bear Hunt was more of a chant with motions as Mrs. Sandy led them through the search and the children echoed her path: through long wavy grass, thick oozy mud, a deep cold river, a big dark forest, and a scary dark cave. (No, I really did not remember all those lyrics.  Thank you, Google, for your help!) The only part I did actually recall was the refrain: "We can't go over it; we can't go under it; we've got to go through it!"  Perhaps those lines have stayed with me all these years because there is profound truth in these simple words.  Some circumstances in our lives, such as illness or grief, cannot be circumvented.  We cannot get around them.  We simply have to go through them.  Ugh.

     But the good news is... the good news.  Yes, the gospel is our way through.  Jesus Himself said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6) His way through was brutally suffering so that our way through would be simply believing.  God sent His Son so that we could have a way through to Him.  Although Jesus returned to sit at the right hand of His Father after His resurrection, He left us with the Holy Spirit who "will remind you of everything I have said to you." (John 14:26) These reminders, often the precious promises of God, are our way through.  "I will never leave you nor forsake you." (Joshua 1:5)  What reassurance to know we go through nothing alone!  Sometimes He sends His people to your doorstep or a text to your phone or a card to your mailbox.  How many occasions in the past two and a half years has He "shown up" in my life this way!  But sometimes He doesn't. Sometimes it is simply in the dark, quiet, tear-filled night that our Father of compassion softly whispers, "I am here. Cry on. I understand." The intimacy of those moments is immeasurable. Maybe these painfully sweet times are the "treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places" that the Lord speaks of in Isaiah 45:3. 

     Another encouraging promise is also found in Isaiah: "For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, 'Do not fear; I will help you.'" (41:13) I need Him to take my hand, especially when I don't know which way to turn.  (Navigation has always been a serious weakness.)  On our "bear hunts" that mud can be really thick, making us feel stuck--almost paralyzed. His mighty hand is there to pull us out. That river is so cold that our bodies are trembling. He will tuck us under the shadow of His wings until we are warm and calm again. Yes, that forest is dark, but He is the light unto our path who will show us the way. The cave, too, is dark and scary, but with the LORD at our side, declaring to rescue us, we need not be afraid. (Jeremiah 1:8) Alas, whatever obstacles we encounter on our journey, our compassionate and loving 
Guide is right there waiting.  All we have to do is reach for His hand and ask for His help.   

     At some point in our lives we will all experience a bear hunt: tall grass, thick mud, cold rivers, dark forests, and/or scary caves. No way around them; we have to go through them. May we rest in knowing that our faithful Father is taking every step alongside us, holding our hand all the way. He will see us through



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