Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Rest Assured

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
                                                                I Thessalonians 5:16-18

These are uncertain days. We go to bed hearing the latest guidelines for social distancing, new closures and cancellations and then awaken to new ones the next morning. On Friday we learned that we would be out of school beginning Thursday, March 19th. On Saturday we received an email saying the break would begin on Monday. On Monday we learned that this break might well extend beyond the April 6th return date. Swirling changes with no end in sight. Our routines have been disrupted; our recreation has been dissolved. All the things that we think keep us grounded have been uprooted. And it's all happening so fast. We feel as though the world is tumbling out of control. Yet there is One to whom we can turn to for rest: Jesus. The immovable, steadfast Rock who is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. 

This morning I read from Find Rest Journal:

"Our God loves us.  He will not always take us out of our circumstances, but He will always meet our needs in those circumstances.  To believe and trust in Him, to be intentionally grateful even in legitimately difficult times, is one of the highest forms of praise and thanksgiving.  It produces joy."

The phrase "intentionally grateful" echoed. Often gratitude flows naturally when life is going well. But purposed thankfulness makes us dig deep in the midst of these tumultuous times. Giving thanks IN all circumstances on this day might indeed diminish anxiety and replace it with joy. So I set out to complete neglected tasks--the first, raking leaves. And as I raked, I began to whisper my gratitude. For the sunshine after so many days of rain, for good health that enables me to rake, for this unexpected gift of time... And then it went deeper. I began to thank the Lord for all the people who have taught me about Him--His trustworthiness and His goodness and His faithfulness.  The wonderful pastors, Sunday school teachers, and Bible study leaders. An indelible image from my 30s is a Tuesday morning Bible study leader at Temple Baptist holding out her hand and saying, "Anything that happens in this world has first been filtered through the loving hand of our sovereign God." I am so thankful that this was etched on my heart almost 30 years ago because I can REST in that truth today. (And I'm thankful for memory that enables me to revisit those words!) My gratitude then moved to all those who had helped teach my children who God is, providing them with a foundation to endure troubled times as well. So many faces and names who poured truths into their tender hearts. Praying then that He would also bring remembrance and REST to them amid this turbulence.

This followed by thankfulness for the living testimonies of people that I have seen go through incredibly difficult circumstances and still proclaim God's goodness. One friend who is currently in a valiant cancer battle uses a hashtag "givethanksinallcircumstances" on her Caring Bridge site. Another closes her posts with God's promises: "I will strengthen you; surely I will help you; Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." And another who unexpectedly lost her brother still affirms her trust in Him, reminding others of His great compassion in the storm of grief. So many whose stories reveal His faithfulness.  Yes, how grateful I am for how their stories strengthen me today and remind me He is still on His throne. None of this took Him by surprise. He is a good and loving God who knows the end from the beginning. (Isaiah 46:10) His plan is to work ALL things together for His glory and for our good. 

When I finished bagging all the leaves, I counted--there were 12. I immediately smiled and thought of the 12 baskets left over after Jesus fed the 5000. Remnants of His faithfulness, His power, and His provision to do so much more than we can even imagine. With that backdrop I eagerly anticipate seeing what He will do both during and beyond this crisis.

We have a choice during these difficult days to stay constantly connected to the news outlets which can exacerbate our fear and anxiety or to stay connected to the One who can give us rest as we pray. I am thankful for His Word that draws us into His presence and silences the voices of gloom. Today may we choose intentional gratitude that will invite peace into our souls in spite of empty shelves and empty classrooms. There is always, always, always something to be thankful for. Make a list. Reread it. Share it with a friend. Add something new each day. Peace will win! 

"Fear not, for I am with you."     Isaiah 43:5

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