Monday, March 12, 2012


"Though He brings grief, He will show compassion,
   so great is His unfailing love."
                                       Lamentations 3:32

Today I returned to my classroom amid the prayers of countless warriors.  I was truly overwhelmed by the many kindnesses--an accordion of homemade cards from my precious students lay on my desk when I arrived.  Throughout the day there were hugs and flowers and texts and emails and more cards.  My third period had even planned a "Welcome back" party complete with cupcakes, chips, and dip.  Dear Katherine, my across the hall neighbor, handed me a vase of dogwood branches saying, "I hope these remind you of Jesus, and He will remind you of Jim since he is right there beside Him."  Tears, yes, but only a sprinkling--not a waterfall.  Overflowing grace...  

Since I didn't have to administer graduation exams this morning, I had several hours to get my bearings and work on lesson plans--kind of nuzzle my way back into the nest.  Students began coming in after lunch, and our time together was sweet.  I thanked them for praying for Jim and our family, reminding them that God had indeed answered our prayers for healing.  No, not in the manner that we would have preferred, but healed indeed. And for that we could celebrate--that his body is restored, his eternity is sealed in heaven, and we will have reunion one day.  I have been praying that God would tender my students' hearts to hear from Him today--that they might understand there can be peace amid the pain.  I told them, "Someday you will encounter your own mountains to climb, and I want you to remember me standing here today.  This is a living picture of a verse familiar to many of you: "The Lord is my strength."  He is why I am back; it is His power that enables me to be your teacher again." 

I walked out of the building reflecting on the many blessings of the day, but the Lord was not finished.  As I was walking to my car, a colleague who is a young dad stopped and asked how my day had been.  He then began to share what a powerful impact that Jim's service had had on him and his role as a dad.  God had spoken to him through that service, and he was changed. Wow!  Overflowing... Surely He is a God full of compassion and unfailing love!

I only met with three of my five classes today; I'll see the other two tomorrow.  Thank you to those who were praying today--the power of those petitions was so very real.  Please pray on as we watch for God's grace to flow down and cover us...


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