Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Beach Treasures

"Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed,
  for His compassions never fail.
 They are new every morning;
 Great is Your faithfulness."
                              Lamentations 3:22-23

The beach is surely a delight--its beauty a clear reflection of the majesty of our Creator.  Hunter and I enjoyed the hospitality of my brother and sister-in-law at their condo in Panama City last week during our spring break.  The weather was absolutely gorgeous. Throughout our stay I relished the beach walks--usually by myself in the early morning. You know there never really is a destination; it's the journey itself that brings pleasure. Bare feet in the wet sand, strolling at a leisurely pace, looking for the best shells, listening for the Father's voice.  For me a version of what Beth Moore affectionately calls the "place of further still."

From the multitudes, to the twelve, to the three, until ultimately alone with the Father in the garden--Jesus Himself first found this "place of further still."  There are times in our own lives when no one on earth--not even our dearest and closest family or friends--can minister to our broken hearts.  It is then that we must go alone to this place of further still to find comfort and peace that only our Heavenly Father can give.  The beach became my place of further still.

This path I had walked the day before, but now the shore stretched inland several more feet creating a wall of sand dotted with embedded shells.  Amazing that even with the powerful waves crashing upon them through the night some of the most beautiful shells remained whole.  Yes, many were broken, but others had endured.  And then I heard Him say, "You, too, will survive this storm of grief and torrent of waves.  Press on.  Just press on.  Trust me to protect you and guide you.  I love you--so much that I gave up my Son for you. I am holding you in the palm of My hand even now."  Waves of peace washed over me then!       

And so every day I gathered more shells.  (Hunter thinks I'm a bit obsessed with them!) They remind me of our Creator and His power to design, preserve, and change the landscape every day.   These beach treasures also remind me that God is with me, alongside me, every moment of every day--at the beach, at school, at home, at the grocery store...  Even in my loneliness I am never truly alone.  

I'm so thankful for this assurance, for some days I'm just a mess, an absolute mess.  I miss Jim terribly.  Surely he was my faithful companion, my confidant, my sweetheart.  But in my weeping, I hear the Lord whisper, "I am here.  I will never leave you."  So much I don't understand, but I simply must trust.  I lean on His attributes and know He is trustworthy.  He is my refuge, my delight, my hope, my joy.  His mercies are new every morning.  At the beach I found treasures in the sand; may each of us find treasure in His compassionate Presence.        


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