Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Better Than Sheep

"On my bed I remember You
  I think of You through the watches of the night."
                                  Psalm 63:6

Last summer I read an article in the paper about Alice Lee, the sister of one of my favorite authors, Harper Lee (To Kill a Mockingbird).  This 99-year old woman shared her bedtime "exercises" if she were having a difficult time going to sleep.  First she recites the names of all the US Presidents.  If she is still awake, then she begins to list the names of all the counties in Alabama. Next come the governors of Alabama, then... I was amazed!  This woman is almost twice my age! Maybe I could reel off the last ten leaders of our country, but--wow!  Certainly this would sharpen brain power more than mindlessly counting sheep.  While I admire such mental discipline and incredible recall at almost a century, I wondered, what would most benefit me to remember as I'm trying to rest?

Soon after Jim's diagnosis, sleep became elusive.  I often used this time to pray, not just for him but for others that the Lord brought to mind.  One night  as I recalled Miss Lee's practice, He gave me an idea.  Knowing the names of Presidents and counties is good, but what is better? Reciting the books of the Bible--yes, that's it!  As I began recounting my Bible Drill teaching days, another thought was presented.  Is it the names of these books that would give me comfort to sleep or what is actually written in them?  Alas--the book and a short verse from that book--that would be the plan.

The next morning I began to make my list to work on memorizing.  The hardest part?  Choosing only one verse from an entire book--there are so many good ones.  These are a few and my reasons for selecting them:

 Genesis - "In the beginning God..." 
   This one reminds me that He was and is and is to come.  He is the Creator, the Master of the universe; He is sovereign over all.  He has always been and will always be.  (1:1)
 Exodus - "The Lord is my strength and my song..."  
   Surely there is no strength greater than His-- whatever mountain we are facing.  When I have none, He has it all. And by His grace He often gives us a song even in the midst of the steepest climb.  (15:2)
 Leviticus - "I am the Lord your God..."
    These words are repeated countless times in this book as He reminds His people of all He has done for them.  What reassurance in the very words "I AM"--and that He is not being talked about here, but He is actually speaking. No matter what changes in our lives, HE IS the same--today and forever. (11:44...)
 Numbers -  "The Lord bless (you) and keep (you)..." 
    Usually I insert a name (here)--often my children or one who I know is in deep need of the Lord's blessing. Always calming to redirect my eyes outside of my cocoon.  Sometimes I may pause here as I ask the Lord for a name.   (6:24)
 Deuteronomy - "The Lord your God Himself goes ahead of you."
   God is already in the tomorrow, clearing the path, making the way. What better guide than the One who holds tomorrow? I can rest knowing He is already there.  (31:3)
 Joshua - "Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."  
   I love the word wherever in this verse as it reassures me that I am never alone.  He casts out any fear by the knowledge of His presence.   (1:9)
 Judges - "The Spirit of the Lord came upon him in power."
   Although Samson is the him in this recurring verse, I know God equips each of us today through His Spirit as well.  There is no greater power on earth!  (14:6) 
Ruth - "Whither thou goest, I will go; where thou lodgest, I will lodge.  Thy people shall be my people and thy God my God." 
 Yes, this one I still recite from the King James version because these words were among the vows that Jim and I exchanged all those years ago. This verse makes me thankful for many things--that we came to Birmingham, that I have a precious relationship with Jim's parents, and that Jim and I shared a love for the Lord.  (1:16)
 I Samuel - "...the battle is the Lord's..."    
  David's mighty words to Goliath just before slaying him with the single stone.  And just as the Lord was on David's side, I am comforted to know He is always on my side--whatever the battle.  (17:47)
II Samuel - "You are great, O Lord God..."
  Among the simplest yet most profound of verses, this one reminds me of that familiar prayer most of us learned as a child, "God is great, God is good..."  He is greater than any thorn, any obstacle, any pain.  (7:22)  

I'm still working to hide more Scriptures, but usually sleep comes even before Samuel. God has been especially gracious in granting me the gift of sleep in recent weeks.  It is the exceptional night when I have to "count books," but I'm grateful He has offered me such solace in His Word to find rest.    

"...He grants sleep to those He loves."        Psalm 127:2   

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