Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Just a Little While

"In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.  These have come so that your faith--of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire--may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed."
                                                                                 I Peter 1:6-7

"Mom, how much longer until we...?"
"Just a little while, honey."

I know through the years I have exasperated my children with the vague response, "just a little while."  I think often this was my answer because either I didn't know myself exactly how long--a few hours, a few minutes, a few days--or more likely, I wanted to offer reassurance. 

When we would leave our young children with a friend, grandparents, or a sitter to go to a meeting or out to dinner, we would hug them tight, reminding them, "We'll be back in a little while."  We knew that our separation would not be for long, but a little while sounded much more brief than an hour or two.  We offered "a little while" as a hint of reassurance.

"How much longer before we get to the campground?" another impatient voice pleads from the back seat.  "Just a little while, dear," I reply once again, as I have the last three times the question has been asked. Except this time I am confident that our little while is only about 15 minutes since we have just passed a sign saying, "Unicoi State Park 10 miles ahead."  The restless boys in the back seat surely did not want to hear "a couple more hours" when they first asked. Again "a little while" sounded much more comforting.

Even medical professionals know how consoling the phrase "a little while" is. The dentist says, "Your mouth will be sore for a little while" (instead of for a few days); the doctor suggests, "You'll need to stay off your feet for a little while" (instead of a week).  A little while just sounds manageable. 

This week we turned the calendar page to May, and in just a little while that final bell will sound and summer will be here. Students (and teachers!) are encouraged by those words--in just a little while they will be free of schedules and assignments and tests.  Their smiles are a bit brighter and their steps are a bit lighter as they anticipate the freedom to come.  How refreshing those words, "just a little while."

So surely this was Jesus' intent in John 16:16 when He tells His disciples: "In a little while you will see Me no more, and then after a little while you will see Me."  His disciples were confused, asking each other what He meant by "a little while."  That first little while was only a few hours; Jesus' crucifixion was imminent, and He would be going away.  The latter little while was three days--referring to His resurrection and return to see them.  I ponder the difference and how excruciatingly difficult that second "little while" must have been to endure. Yet, Jesus anticipated their pain and reassured them: "You will grieve, but your grief will turn to is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice; no one will take away your joy." (v.20, 22)

Yes, He knew that our "little whiles" might seem endless at times, but I believe He chose that phrase to help ease our distress.  As I read Peter's words, "... though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials..." I can know that my grief is not forever. One day at a time, one step at a time--sometimes forward, sometimes backward, but only for a little while.  I cling to His promise that our grief will turn to joy.  Right now that seems impossible, but His Word tells me that all things are possible through Him.  I must trust our faithful Father even when I don't understand. I know that Jim's "little while" of suffering has now turned to joy as he is in the very presence of our Lord. What comfort that offers! 

I first heard the group Selah many years ago on a Sunday night at Temple Baptist in Hattiesburg.  These lyrics from their song "Hold On" have graced my heart on several occasions, but most especially in recent days:

               "If you feel today that you can't make it
                Keep holdin' on, cause you can take it
                If you hold on a little while longer
                Hold on a little while longer...
                You gotta hold to His hand
                God's unchanging hand...
                You gotta build your hopes on things eternal
                My God will never let you down...
                Hold on a little while longer..." 

What a sweet reminder that God is holding our hands for however long this little while lasts...

"And the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered for a little while, will Himself restore you and make you strong, firm, and steadfast.  To Him be the power for ever and ever.  Amen."
                                                                  I Peter 5:10-11    



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