Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Bread of Life

"They are not just idle words for you--they are your life."
                                                         Deuteronomy 32:47

Last month I had the privilege of chaperoning Chi Alpha choir tour/mission trip to New Orleans.  For several years this trip has been one of the highlights of summer for our family.   On four charter buses, about 150 excited high school students and 40-something brave adults loaded up for a week of missions and concerts.  Among the different mission sites was First Baptist Church Belle Chase, where my group had the opportunity to help with Vacation Bible School.

I do so love VBS and the joy of teaching children about Christ's love. As Kristin, Madison, Olivia--the sweet XA youth in my group-- and I decorated the room that Sunday afternoon, we prayed for the children that would come on Monday. We were thrilled when they began scrambling in to our assigned pews in the sanctuary the next morning. Quickly we began to learn a bit about these eight 5th graders: although almost all had lived in this south Louisiana suburb for most of their lives, only two were actually members of this church. Most only attended a church occasionally.  Their lives were loaded with stuff: iPhones (yes, 5th graders!), BMX bikes, four wheelers, video games, clothes, jewelry... One boy openly admitted, "I'm spoiled rotten.  I get pretty much anything I ask for." But to our utter dismay, we discovered that four of these precious children did not have the most important possession of all--a Bible.

Perhaps I grieved so deeply over this because of where I am right now.  The verse from Deuteronomy says it all--God's Word is indeed my daily sustenance. There are mornings when the darkness seems overwhelming; I open up my Bible and find light and hope. "For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, 'Do not fear; I will help you.'" (Isaiah 41:13) On days that loneliness creeps in, His Word assures me, "You are mine... I will be with you" (Isaiah 43:1-2). When I feel weak and confused, His words offer strength and peace. "Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28) His Word reminds me that worship will overcome worry and praise will conquer self-pity. These verses speak the very voice of the Lord. Oh, not to have His Word would be devastating--indeed it is life! 

That very night one of our staff members graciously made a Walmart run and purchased some Bibles for these children.  What a delight for us to be able to give them the most important book they will ever have! But the best part of all was seeing their gratitude and eagerness to find out what it said. The more we read, the more questions they asked. "How can God be everywhere at once?" "What is the difference between God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit?" "How do you know that God is real?" "Are there still prophets today?" "Why does God let bad things happen?" What a thrill to hear them seeking answers! Oh, how I prayed that the Lord would give us the right words--through His Word--to respond.  These children seemed so hungry, perhaps just beginning to realize that none of their "stuff" was truly satisfying.  There must be more...   

We were overjoyed one morning when one of the boys told us that he had prayed to accept Christ at his home the night before. Smiling broadly, Michael announced, "I've been reading my new Bible too.  Should I start at the beginning? Last night I was reading in Genesis." Oh, to observe that kind of zeal for the Word--the freshness of its truth, the pursuit of its life-changing power--was a delight.  As we said our goodbyes at the community block party on Saturday, our group committed to continue praying for these endearing boys and girls--primarily that God would continue to draw Himself unto them through the treasure of His Word. 

Although there are several devotionals that I enjoy reading, none compare to God's Holy Word.  It is within these pages that I hear His voice of comfort and sense the Spirit's movement in my heart. Such grace! I love the phrase from 2 Timothy 3:16 that says, "All Scripture is God-breathed..." Some mornings I can almost sense His breath upon me.  Surely there is no greater comfort...

"Your statutes are my delight;
 they are my counselors."
                Psalm 119:24    

* Just had a random thought: Since I'm a devoted "Words with Friends" fan, maybe a new name for our Sunday night ladies' Bible study: "His Word with Friends"!

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