Friday, August 3, 2012

The Splendor of Creation

"The heavens declare the glory of God;
   the skies proclaim the work of His hands.
 Day after day they pour forth speech;
   night after night they display knowledge."
                                   Psalm 19:1-2

For the past several years one of our end-of-summer traditions has been spending a few days at Seagrove Beach.  I'm so thankful that the boys still wanted to go this year and were able to work out their schedules to make the trip possible. We chose a place at Seagrove where we had never stayed before, following much of what I've read about the need to blend the old with the new. This beach is just a favorite spot along 30A that offers great bike paths, not quite so crowded beach time, and a quaint, friendly atmosphere that's a bit slower paced than many beaches in the area.  We've gathered many memories here. The beach means sunshine, a good book, a shrimp po-boy, and hanging out with my boys who can always make me laugh.  I also love the beach because it speaks so clearly of our Creator.

Early mornings are probably my favorite time of all.  I gather the essentials-- my Bible, devotionals, journal, pen, and cup of coffee--and head to the balcony. The concert of waves crashing is sweet background as I read and meditate on God's message for the day. I stare in wonder at the vastness of it all--this beautiful sanctuary that will soon transform into a giant playground for both young and old.  As always, morning walks were daily rituals for me while the boys enjoyed sleeping in.  The Lord is so gracious to remind me of His presence at times when Jim's absence is so deeply pronounced.  With every sunbeam, every whitecap, every seagull--I was assured that He was right beside me whispering, "This is My creation for you to enjoy.  I am here with you holding your hand.  I will not leave you." His peace prevailed over my would-be loneliness.

One morning I awakened to an ominous dark cloud that seemed to blanket the entire sky.  Clearly a storm was imminent, but what an eerily beautiful sight this was as a thin line of blue sky separated the enormous cloud from the vast expanse of the Gulf.  A thunderstorm erupted not long after as lightning lit up the sky and thunder boomed in the distance.  The rain pelted down for a couple of hours, followed by intermittent light drizzling.  (We were thankful for the televised Olympics and Caleb's new movie game Pass the Popcorn!) By late afternoon the sun peered out again, and I headed to the beach for my daily stroll.  What a wonderful surprise as I found a sand dollar and a handful of unique shells! (Until then the area had been virtually barren of any shells.) The Creator's reminder: I will give you unexpected treasures after the storm--just remain thankful for the many blessings you already have.  I was almost giddy as I came in to share with the boys my beach bounty and lesson gleaned.

But our Creator had an even more beautiful surprise waiting yesterday morning.  I ventured out about 7:30 and had walked about a mile eastward when a light rain began to fall.  I turned around and within a few minutes it began to appear--a magnificent rainbow!  Within a few moments it stretched across the entire horizon. I'm not sure if I had ever seen one complete from end to end as the bottom of both sides slipped into the water.  In awe I stopped abruptly and began snapping pictures.  Then I wept.  Right there on the beach.  Tears of gratitude flowed freely as I thanked our Creator for such a beautiful gift--another reminder that breathtaking beauty can indeed follow the rain.  For me rainbows inspire remembrance of all of God's promises and His faithfulness to keep them.  What timely reassurance!

Now the funny part:
I desperately wanted to share this wonderful gift with the boys so I literally sprinted to the condo (even forgetting to wash off my sandy feet!) I burst in shouting, "Hurry!  You've got to see...out here... rainbow...Come quick!" They stumbled from their beds to the balcony, squinting and rubbing their eyes and mumbling, "What? Oh, yeah, that's nice."  Unfortunately, I had forgotten that boys/men (especially those under 25) don't get nearly as excited about rainbows as their maybe a bit overzealous mom.  Later in the day this episode prompted much laughter as they shared their versions of my wake up call.  Apparently in their deep slumber they missed the word "rainbow." Their ideas: "I thought there was a beached whale out there!" "I thought the place was on fire!" "I thought the Lord Himself had returned!"  I'm thinking this story will linger for a while in our family history--especially with the boys' animation of my grand entrance and announcement!  

A gorgeous sunset closed the day, and a brilliant full moon illuminated the sea that night.  Oh, the wonder of it all! Such majesty is beyond words. Then I pondered how there is no language barrier in creation.  God's handiwork speaks to all, declaring His power and glory. What an awesome God we serve! 

And so we have returned home--refreshed and ready for a new school year, new adventures, new goals--reminded again how great is the Father's love for us.   He has intricately designed such grandeur--and yet He intimately cares for each of us. How grateful I am that He would allow us this time together to enjoy His marvelous creation and the blessings of laughter and family.

"When I consider Your heavens,
  the work of Your fingers,
 the moon and the stars,
  which You have set in place,
 what is man that You are mindful of him,
  the son of man that You care for him?"
                                  Psalm 8:3-4

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful reminder of our great God's love for us. Lesa, your words always inspire Nancy and me. We love you and your family and continue to pray for you.
