"I remember the days of long ago
I meditate on all Your works
and consider what Your hands have done."
Psalm 143:5
Last summer when we learned that our students would be getting iPads this school year, I began to reflect on my early days of teaching and all the changes that have evolved during these thirty plus years. (Can I really be that old?) My first teaching position was at a small private school in south Louisiana--a three-story transformed women's college that had limited resources. After I was hired, my principal handed me four books--a 9th and 12th grade literature book and a 9th and 12th grade grammar book--all student editions. He smiled and said, "Good luck--now go teach!" Yes, these four books comprised my curriculum materials; thus, I spent most evenings writing/typing on the purple ditto masters and scurrying in the next morning to literally "crank out" the copies. My classroom was on the third floor so "Miss Walker" got plenty of exercise. How many mornings I remember praying with each step that the Lord would equip me to do what I knew He had called me to do. As always, He was faithful--although I probably learned more in those two years than my students did!
In the fall of 1983 He led me to a public school in south Mississippi. How thrilled I was that we had a real copy machine! (Never mind that this was my personal nemesis on more than one morning...) I was given teacher editions of my 10th grade textbooks--a most coveted gift--and I discovered a few file folders of former teachers' notes and tests. Since blackboards were still a useful resource, I went home many days sprinkled with chalkdust. I continued to pray that God would grant me wisdom to fulfill my daily tasks as He steadily grew me during those wonderful years at Oak Grove. He graciously gave me an extended family in that faculty who cheered alongside as I married, became a mom, and then made the difficult decision to resign and start a new journey as full-time mom.
Although I was incredibly grateful to be able to stay at home with the boys those years while they were young, I sometimes wondered if I would be able to "catch up" when I one day returned to the secondary classroom. Fortunately, computers were just emerging as teaching companions when I re-entered the profession full time at Hoover about ten years ago. Wow--since that time technology seems to have moved at Mach I speed! Document cameras, projectors, smart boards, airliners, portable laptop carts... Whew! And now the iPads... One of the many blessings in all of this is the inability to grow complacent. Regardless of how seasoned some of us veterans are, we must still rely on the Lord to provide us with an open mind and a teachable spirit to embrace these changes in education.
And as only He could plan, my students received their iPads the day we returned from the holidays, compelling my attention to designing ways to incorporate these "cool tools" into my everyday instruction. But here is the beautiful thing about His timing: On January 1, I specifically called on the Lord as my Shield--asking Him to guard my mind from the agony of last January, to shield me from paralyzing memories that "disturb the peace." Others might suggest that this is mere coincidence, but no--our God is faithful to answer--sometimes in intriguing ways. By sending such a consuming diversion, He has protected me from wayward thoughts and further heartache for this time.
Yes, this old dog--this technologically challenged dog--is learning new tricks and really enjoying it! Already I have observed distinct benefits. Using a journal app for their daily writing prompt, my students are writing significantly more every day--which will ultimately translate into better. This is especially notable for some generally reluctant writers. Having a personal white board already in their hands for daily vocabulary review has fostered engagement for every student. (No time lost in handing out boards/markers/erasers, replacing dried up markers...) We have just begun reading a class novel, and I love seeing them annotate with their index finger! Certainly there are challenges to face alongside these advantages--away, you angry birds, you tweeters--but the call still stands to lean on the Lord. He graciously continues to supply all my needs...
Jehovah Jireh--The Lord Who Provides--on all days, in all ways, He offers His provision. How thankful I am for all the ways He has provided throughout my years as a teacher. How reassuring to trace His hand down this path and see His loving guidance, His compassion, His precious children. How gracious for Him to guide and guard me through this season. Even a beautiful snowfall last week served as a sweet gift, a reminder of the majesty of our Creator. Yes, Jehovah Jireh, my Provider, You are more than enough for me.
"Be at rest once more, O my soul,
for the LORD has been good to you."
Psalm 116:7
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Night Light
"For God, who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,' made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ."
2 Corinthians 4:6
I must admit these holidays have been challenging--an ongoing battle to elude the shroud of darkness and sadness that has sought to be my shadow. Just as I would get a short lead, it would swoop down, sometimes crushing my faint spirit. Each day I prayed fervently for the Lord's strength--for His power to enable me to keep climbing. I knew others were praying, too, and how grateful I am for those steadfast warriors. With absolute assurance I proclaim once again--our God is faithful!
In my journal on December 3rd I recorded the first line from that day's Jesus Calling: "Do not be surprised by the fiery attacks on your mind." In the midst of such struggle how reassuring was this reminder of the reality of spiritual warfare. Some days the inner conflict was consuming. Doubts would arise, and I would berate myself for lack of faith. The "whys" became the enemy's ammunition. My pen was silent; the words would not come. Wrestling daily... But God in His faithfulness took me to 1 Samuel 17, affirming that the battle is indeed His--and to Psalm 124, encouraging me that He is on my side. Alas! He has already won!
Not all was dim--Gem Day was certainly a highlight as the messages began early that morning relating beautiful acts of service--the first from a friend in Thailand whose December 6th was coming to a close. Throughout the day gifts of God's grace sprinkled down as I learned of the many kindnesses offered. Wonderful stories of the givers' joy as well as the recipients'. From the beginning my prayer had been that this would not be a one-day "event," but perhaps a recognition of needs and discovery of joy in serving that would lead to ongoing ministry. How God has answered that prayer! One example: the Senior Class officers at Hoover visited a nursing home that morning and had the opportunity to actually feed some of the residents; that afternoon they took coats, hats, and scarves to children in an inner city school and read books to them. Their response: they asked their sponsor if they could please go back to both places in the spring. Several of these young people shared with me how humbled they had been, especially at the nursing home. I believe that the Lord cultivated a deeper compassion for both the elderly and the poor that day among these seniors. Sing praise! This was indeed a day of celebration rather than a day of sorrow. To God be the glory--great things He has done!
At year's end reflection comes... How thankful I am for the Lord's provision throughout this holiday season as well as throughout this last year. He has faithfully kept His promises in spite of my sometimes wavering faith. His Word has been my sustenance. In my sadness He has been the Lifter of my head (Psalm 3:3); in my loneliness He has hidden me in the shadow of His wings (Psalm 36:7); in my weakness He has been my Strength (Psalm 28:7). When I have cried for help, He has encouraged me. (Psalm 10:17) On the darkest days He has shone His light (Psalm 27:1). Often He has made His presence known through His people and their kindnesses; sometimes it has simply been in that garden of further still where only His Spirit can speak comfort to our hearts. But this I know--our God is faithful.
Now we embark on a new year, knowing more challenges and change lie ahead. But "I will remember the deeds of the LORD" (Psalm 77:11) --He has brought us a mighty long way...He has already gone before us and will be with us every step of the way (Deut. 31:8). His steadfast love and compassion never fail. Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus! Oh, the hope He offers--for this day, for tomorrow, for eternity. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You! Our Father has given us light through You. In this new year may each of us proclaim Your goodness and let Your light shine--even in the darkness!
2 Corinthians 4:6
I must admit these holidays have been challenging--an ongoing battle to elude the shroud of darkness and sadness that has sought to be my shadow. Just as I would get a short lead, it would swoop down, sometimes crushing my faint spirit. Each day I prayed fervently for the Lord's strength--for His power to enable me to keep climbing. I knew others were praying, too, and how grateful I am for those steadfast warriors. With absolute assurance I proclaim once again--our God is faithful!
In my journal on December 3rd I recorded the first line from that day's Jesus Calling: "Do not be surprised by the fiery attacks on your mind." In the midst of such struggle how reassuring was this reminder of the reality of spiritual warfare. Some days the inner conflict was consuming. Doubts would arise, and I would berate myself for lack of faith. The "whys" became the enemy's ammunition. My pen was silent; the words would not come. Wrestling daily... But God in His faithfulness took me to 1 Samuel 17, affirming that the battle is indeed His--and to Psalm 124, encouraging me that He is on my side. Alas! He has already won!
Not all was dim--Gem Day was certainly a highlight as the messages began early that morning relating beautiful acts of service--the first from a friend in Thailand whose December 6th was coming to a close. Throughout the day gifts of God's grace sprinkled down as I learned of the many kindnesses offered. Wonderful stories of the givers' joy as well as the recipients'. From the beginning my prayer had been that this would not be a one-day "event," but perhaps a recognition of needs and discovery of joy in serving that would lead to ongoing ministry. How God has answered that prayer! One example: the Senior Class officers at Hoover visited a nursing home that morning and had the opportunity to actually feed some of the residents; that afternoon they took coats, hats, and scarves to children in an inner city school and read books to them. Their response: they asked their sponsor if they could please go back to both places in the spring. Several of these young people shared with me how humbled they had been, especially at the nursing home. I believe that the Lord cultivated a deeper compassion for both the elderly and the poor that day among these seniors. Sing praise! This was indeed a day of celebration rather than a day of sorrow. To God be the glory--great things He has done!
At year's end reflection comes... How thankful I am for the Lord's provision throughout this holiday season as well as throughout this last year. He has faithfully kept His promises in spite of my sometimes wavering faith. His Word has been my sustenance. In my sadness He has been the Lifter of my head (Psalm 3:3); in my loneliness He has hidden me in the shadow of His wings (Psalm 36:7); in my weakness He has been my Strength (Psalm 28:7). When I have cried for help, He has encouraged me. (Psalm 10:17) On the darkest days He has shone His light (Psalm 27:1). Often He has made His presence known through His people and their kindnesses; sometimes it has simply been in that garden of further still where only His Spirit can speak comfort to our hearts. But this I know--our God is faithful.
Now we embark on a new year, knowing more challenges and change lie ahead. But "I will remember the deeds of the LORD" (Psalm 77:11) --He has brought us a mighty long way...He has already gone before us and will be with us every step of the way (Deut. 31:8). His steadfast love and compassion never fail. Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus! Oh, the hope He offers--for this day, for tomorrow, for eternity. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You! Our Father has given us light through You. In this new year may each of us proclaim Your goodness and let Your light shine--even in the darkness!
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