Thursday, April 5, 2012

Open Wide

"For He has not despised or disdained
  the suffering of the afflicted one;
  He has not hidden His face from him
  but has listened to his cry for help."
                                Psalm 22:24

Part of resuming routine is fulfilling those appointments that have been on the calendar for months.  On yesterday's agenda after school was my 6-month cleaning and check-up with Dr. Morrissey, our family's dentist.  My day had been good--I just have wonderful students who are staying reasonably engaged for springtime--but as I walked into the dentist's office, I realized I would have to talk with the receptionist about the change in insurance--and why.

As I told her, she gasped and her response prompted my tears: "Oh, my--we just loved him.  All of us here just loved him!  He was always so kind..." All I could say was, "Yes, he was."  I thought, wow--even here at the dentist's office--a place he only visited twice a year (he had great teeth)--he left an impact.  As I sat down in the waiting area, my tearful eyes were drawn to the large wooden cross in the front window.  Yes, this office had chosen the road less traveled--no eggs and bunnies for Easter, but a bold symbol of Christian faith.  I breathed a sigh of thankfulness that this place was filled with believers. 

After I was called back, Julie, the new hygienist, offered to reschedule since I was still weeping.  (This was very tempting, especially since I'm not a big fan of any dental experience.)  Was this another one of those grief ambushes that I hadn't been prepared for? Maybe I had suppressed the "two month anniversary" date throughout the day and now I had to face it?  Anyway, Julie was very comforting and just allowed me a few minutes of "being still" time.  I asked the Lord what to do, and I just knew He wanted me to stay.  Within just a few moments, a wave of peace washed over me as I sensed the very real presence of the Holy Spirit--"I am here.  You can do this.  You are not alone."  The tears subsided; I got my teeth cleaned and was even able to share about God's grace in Jim's healing with Julie and Dr. Morrissey afterwards.  As I left, they both promised to join others who are praying for our family.  

As I reflected on this experience this morning, Hillsong's lyrics, "Holy Spirit, rain down, rain down" came to mind.  That is precisely what it felt like.  So I looked up the song to read all the words:

           Holy Spirit, rain down, rain down
           Oh Comforter and Friend
           How we need Your touch again.
           Holy Spirit rain down, rain down
           Let Your power fall
           Let Your voice be heard
           Come and change our hearts
           As we stand on Your word.
           Holy Spirit rain down  

           No eye has seen, no ear has heard
           No mind can know what God has in store
           So open up heaven, open it wide
           Over Your church and over our lives... 

When I read those words "open wide," my heart leaped!  That was it!  What is the most common phrase you hear in the dentist's office?  Of course--"Open wide"! Now for the rest of this resurrection week this is my prayer: that I will keep my eyes open wide to the many blessings surrounding me.  These boys that I love so--Austin has been home this week tending to some needed household chores and even walking Maggie with me in the evenings.  What a blessing this has been, and he won't have to fly out until Sunday afternoon.  Caleb will be coming home in time this weekend so that all four of us will be able to attend both the Good Friday and Easter services together.  Hunter has been busy preparing for prom next weekend and putting in job applications around town.  (Those two tasks may be related!)  The air conditioning is back on at school. (It's been out for several weeks while the new wing is under construction).  Surely AC is one of those luxuries that we don't fully appreciate until we no longer have it.  Most nights God has granted me the gift of sleep--a real blessing. I really do have the best job in the world--teaching at a wonderful school with kind, respectful students and considerate, dedicated colleagues.  So many faithful prayer warriors out there still standing in the gap for our family...  Certainly blessings abound, but greater still is the living hope we have in Christ.  This week we celebrate our risen Savior, the One who loves us immeasurably.  By His wounds we are all healed--from every affliction.  Oh, what hope He offers!  I Peter 1:3-4 has been my verse of the week: "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!  In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil, or fade--kept in heaven for you." What a promise!  Jim has received his inheritance, and we must wait ours.  In the meantime, "We must keep faith, we must keep hope, we must keep courage, we must keep Christ." *  Eagerly I await resurrection Sunday.  He is risen--He is risen indeed!  

* (from Streams in the Desert by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman)               

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