Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What's in a Name?

"And the LORD said to Moses, 'I will do the very thing you have asked because I am pleased with you and I know you by name.'"
                                                                      Exodus 33:17

I remember with each pregnancy the many names we considered for our children. With Son #1, we knew early on that Walker would have to be the middle name if this were a boy since that was not only my maiden name but also Jim's mom's maiden name. There were some good Walker men in both our families. (The irony continues as Jim's brother married a Kansas girl whose maiden name was Walker as well. Apparently Gibson men were drawn to Walker women!)  We settled on Austin Walker, and I still love that name.  

Son #2 was the only one that we knew was a boy before birth, and we had the name list narrowed to James Addison (my pick) or James Caleb (Jim's favorite).  One Sunday morning, about two or three weeks before he was born, our pastor's entire message centered on Caleb, the one who had a different spirit and followed the Lord wholeheartedly.  That was one of the few occasions that God has sent a flashing neon sign to me when I asked for His direction on something.  As soon as the final "amen" was voiced, I smiled at Jim and said, "Okay--this is James Caleb."  I can't imagine him being called anything else.

By the time Son #3 came along, we were compelled to eliminate a number of  names we really liked because of former students.  (Some of the associations were, well, less than favorable.)  If this were a boy, we wanted his name to be different, unique.  We decided on Hunter Reid--a name that sounded strong and confident. Unfortunately, Hunter has had to contend for his uniqueness since there are several other Hunters in his grade--even another Hunter Gibson!  Maybe this has helped make him strong and assertive. For that I am thankful that he carries this name.

What a decision--to pronounce what our child will be called for the rest of his days. Perhaps we toil so much over the possiblities because we realize that our name is really a treasure to us--when we hear someone call it or when we read it (especially handwritten). On certificates, diplomas, trophies, invitations, birthday cards, gift tags, in the newspaper, even in a text--our hearts quicken upon seeing it. When I see someone in passing, there is a subtle intimacy shared when I hear, "Hey, Lesa" rather than just "Hey."  Learning my students' names that first week of school is a top priority because I want these young people to know they matter to me and that I care about them.  Their names are a personal treasure.

To think that our Savior knows each of our names is a staggering thought. Each one of us He created, knit together by His perfect design, and He knows us intimately. He knows the very names of those who are calling on Him! That means He hears me when I cry out; He carries my heavy burdens; He comforts me when my heart aches. The One who Himself is the name above all names actually knows mine. Wow! Another reminder of this truth is in Isaiah 43:1-2 when the Lord says, 
               "Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
                I have summoned you by name; you are Mine. 
                When you pass through the waters,
                I will be with you;
                   and when you pass through the rivers,      
                   they will not sweep over you.
                When you walk through the fire,
                  you will not be burned;
                  the flames will not set you ablaze.
               For I am the LORD, your God,
                  the Holy One of Israel, your Savior."
Can there be any greater comfort than to know that God has called us by name and we are His? No matter how deep our valley He is there with us whispering our name.

Throughout the past week these lyrics have echoed: "Your name--is a strong and mighty tower; Your name is a shelter like no other... Nothing has the power to save but Your name..." On those dark days when my heart seems unbearably heavy, I cry out to His name, trusting in its power. This strong tower is faithful to offer me shelter.  Surely His name is wonderful, Jesus my Lord. 

When we meet someone for the first time, we introduce ourselves by exchanging names.  How marvelous though that we don't ever have to introduce ourselves to Jesus because He already knows our name!  And unlike those of us who are getting a bit older and forgetful, He will never forget our name.  It is indelibly inscribed on His heart, just as our own children's names are written on ours. 

"Let the name of the LORD be praised,
    both now and forevermore."
                            Psalm 113:2     



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