Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Best GPS

"The LORD will guide you always;
  He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land
  and will strengthen your frame.
 You will be like a well-watered garden,
  like a spring whose waters never fail."
                                         Isaiah 58:11

Guide, satisfy, and strengthen--what beautiful promises those are!  The English teacher in me loves to look at verbs in Scripture--the actions that the Lord says He will do. This verse declares that the Lord will indeed do these things, and I cling to that assurance.  With summer's arrival, the path ahead for the next three months is more of a cloudy maze than the structured course of the school year.  I desperately need a Guide!  In this sun-scorched land He is teaching me so much.  I pray that I might continue to listen for His voice as He faithfully directs my path.

Last Sunday I had planned to attend the wedding of a friend's son in Tuscaloosa on my way home from a quick trip to Jackson to see my mom.  This had been on my agenda for several weeks. However, on Saturday I called our 89-year old former neighbor in Hattiesburg to check on her.  She has been suffering intense pain with a compression fracture in her spine the last couple of weeks and had endured a very difficult week with new pain medicine that caused a severe reaction.  As we were talking, I felt that gentle nudge, that whisper from the Lord saying, "You need to go to Hattiesburg from Jackson rather than Tuscaloosa."  I wrestled with this decision because I had never considered not going to the wedding.  After all, these were family friends and Caleb was actually singing as part of the ceremony. But by bedtime Saturday night, that beautiful peace prevailed as I set my new GPS (God's Path Surpasses) to the direction He had guided me. 

Arriving in Hattiesburg on Sunday evening, I told Mrs. Bea that I wanted to help her with some household tasks while I was there. Now this sweet lady is fiercely independent, having lived alone for some 14 years since Mr. Elam passed away. Because we had lived across the street for ten years and remained close even after our move, I know her well and was not surprised when she was resistant to my desire to help. (I suggested to her that I had a few stubborn genes myself.)  Then I reminded her that if Jim were here he would show his love for her by doing things for her--serving her. (One friend claims that he was the poster child for acts of service love language!) I shared that helping her would allow me to honor him in a way as well. She relented and allowed me to do a few chores around the house.  I don't know if I've ever mopped so cheerfully!  The satisfaction that helping Mrs. Bea brought is truly indescribable--another promise fulfilled.

As I reflect on the weekend, I see God's grace even more clearly.  He allowed me to spend time with 3 of my favorite ladies: my mom and my Aunt Elaine in Jackson and dear Mrs. Bea in Hattiesburg. All of them have struggled through this grief journey I'm walking and found peace. They encourage my heart. Part of the Lord's provision too was protection from something perhaps I wasn't yet ready for--a wedding.  But beyond that was His vision for the summer ahead (one that has actually been lengthened two weeks by our state legislature and recently looked a bit formidable.)  How gracious that He would reveal to me on the very first day of summer how to best spend my extended time off--by giving, by serving--as Jesus modeled and Jim so often lived.  Therein lies the joy!  This experience has surely strengthened me for the days ahead as I eagerly anticipate what He has planned. I'm thankful the Lord has reminded me to seek His guidance daily and be careful to listen for His loving voice. I'm convinced that this will transform what was a barren wilderness of summer into a flourishing garden! 

"I will lead the blind by ways they have not known,
 along unfamiliar paths I will guide them;
 I will turn the darkness into light before them
 and make the rough places smoot
 These are the things I will do;
 I will not forsake them."
                                       Isaiah 42:16            


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