Saturday, June 9, 2012

A "Cool" Lesson

"Then the LORD said to Moses, 'I will rain down bread from heaven for you.  The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day. In this way I will test them and see whether they will follow my instructions.'"
                                                                   Exodus 16:4

I love Vacation Bible School.  Year after year during worship, I sit near the back of the sanctuary with my sixth graders in awe. Hundreds of exuberant children, servant youth workers, and yes, tired adult teachers blanket the pews throughout the room.  Singing praise songs, laughing at the drama video, cheering for the game participants, doing motions along with the sixth grade team of leaders--certainly different from VBS back in the day, but oh, what a glorious sight and sound!  Most of all though, I love to hear the hearts of the children as we engage in small group Bible study first thing in the mornings.

My sweet friend Paula invited me to teach VBS with her the first full summer after we had moved to Hoover.  We've been a team ever since.  For several years we taught our youngest children (both now rising seniors), moving up with them each year. For the last several years though we have been planted in the sixth grade garden.  What a delight!  We have had an especially inspiring group of children this year--so knowledgeable yet eager to learn more.  Their zeal is evident as they work to put memory verse puzzles together, act out scenes from Bible stories, and wave their hands vigorously wanting to answer questions. What a privilege to help water the seeds already planted that will one day produce a bountiful harvest of faith.  I pray that they will remember Daniel's courage in the face of opposition and Paul's commitment to share Christ with others.  I pray that one day they will see how God provides daily manna for them just as He did the Israelites. Last week He clearly reminded me of that promise.

Jim's parents were here for dinner Thursday night when I reached in the freezer to grab the ice bucket. Alas--there was a cluster of half melted ice cubes resting in a pool of water.  A closer look revealed the unfortunate fact that our almost 20-year old refrigerator was history.  We transported freezer items to the downstairs freezer (very thankful that we had one!) and placed other perishables in the ice chests.  (I must say there are some advantages in cleaning out--I won't mention the date on a couple of items...) All of our appliances have come from Sears so I headed there Friday morning looking for another Whirlpool; twenty years seemed to be an impressive age for an appliance.  The new refrigerator was delivered Saturday afternoon to some happy campers (all three boys were home.) Now here is the really cool part--the "God is still in the business of daily manna" part: I had been asked to do some editing a few weeks ago and received an email Monday of that week stating that I would receive a stipend for my services.  What a nice surprise!  But God (there's that beautiful phrase again) was not finished showing me how He would provide.  On Saturday morning, just before the frig was delivered, I read an email from our school board office saying the state legislature had decided to appropriate funds for the original National Board stipend from 2010-11 school year--two years ago! (This stipend had been decreased due to budget cuts.)  Add these two surprises together and the difference from the cost of the refrigerator was right at one hundred dollars!  Yes, the Lord provided exactly what we needed precisely when we needed it.  Now the refrigerator is somewhat of a centerpiece in our kitchen--surely it is visited often in this house. In days to come if my memory of the Lord's ample provision fades and I begin to grumble like those fickle Israelites, I need to look no further than my kitchen where He has left a giant reminder: "I am Jehovah Jireh, the One who provides." Amazing grace...

Back in the worship center I listen to these precious children sing the lyrics to Hillsong's "I'm Running to Your Arms":

              "You are good, You are good
               When there's nothing good in me
               You are love, You are love
               On display for all to see
               You are light, You are light
               When the darkness closes in
               You are hope, You are hope
               You have covered all my sin.

               You are peace, You are peace
               When my fear is crippling
               You are true, You are true
               Even in my wandering
               You are joy, You are joy
               You're the reason that I sing
               You are life, You are life
               In You death has lost its sting.

               Oh, I'm running to Your arms
               I'm running to Your arms
               The riches of Your love
               Will always be enough
               Nothing compares to Your embrace
               Light of the world forever reign.

               You are more, You are more
               Than my words will ever say
               You are Lord, You are Lord
               All creation will proclaim
               You are here, you are here
               In Your presence I'm made whole
               You are God, You are God
               Of all else I'm letting go."

I pray that these words take root as our VBS children continue to grow in their knowledge of our Savior.  For now they may only be words to some, but one day, one day I pray they will come to really know Him as their hope and their peace and their joy--their light when the darkness closes in.  In His presence He does make us whole. He is here and for this day He will give us manna from heaven--just enough for this day.  May we all--young and old--rest in that beautiful promise.


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